All members are hereby summoned to attend. Members of the Public and Press are welcome.
Michael Dewar – Clerk to the Parish Council
Agenda Item
1) Apology for Absence.
2) Declaration of Interest
3) Minutes of the Meeting held on 6th November 2023
4) Matters arising from the Minutes
5) Public Participation
6) Borough Councillors’ Report
7) Parish Councillors’ Reports
8) Planning Report
23/02598/MAO Major Outline Application
PROPOSAL: Outline application with all matters reserved except Access, for residential
development for up to 204 dwellings, including vehicular access from Beauvais
Avenue, a bus-only link to the south, alterations to Paul Waller Avenue for use as a
footway/cycleway, additional footway/cycle links to adjoining land, provision of open
space, landscaping and associated earthworks.
9) Crime Report
Email Crime Reports circulated
10) Highways Report
- Slip Road approaching St Mary Church Drainage points along flooding areas.
11) The Green
- Safety book signing
- EV Charging Point/s Cardington Village
- Mower servicing quote.
- East Green Aeriate tree base
12) Burial Ground and Churchyard Matters
- Avenue of trees approaching Memorial in the RAF Cemetery Cutting Back.
13) Finance Report
- Payments and Bank Report
- Accounts for 2023-2024 Estimated position as at 06-01-24
- Budget Proposal 2024-2025
14) Tree planting on the left of Bedford Road (Findlays Family 100 years in Cardington)
15) Any Other Business.
16) Correspondence for Action.